Sunday, January 01, 2006




多次獲選公共藝術、國際交流及藝術獎項。包含2014臺北松菸文創大樓公共藝術、2012亞洲文化協會獎助計劃、2011 臺北國際藝術博覽會­MIT新人推薦特區、2007國立臺北藝術大學美術創作卓越獎。作品曾在北京中國美術館、今日美術館、上海美術館、韓國Haslla Art World、美國舊金山Headlands Center for the Arts展出。並獲邀與台灣東和鋼鐵企業、愛馬仕( Hermès )、路易威登( Louis Vuitton )、法拉利( Ferrari )、賓士(Mercedes-Benz)等國際品牌合作發表藝術作品。現居住、創作於台灣台北。

Hsi Shih-Pin

Born in 1977 in Taipei, Taiwan, Hsi Shih-Pin received an MFA degree of Plastic Arts from Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA). He specializes in sculpture and installation of mixed media. His works sketched out daily images of the disappeared and imagination, refined and varied singular form and space beyond the physical metaphor and the common sense of memory.

Hsi has participated in several important public projects and international artist-in-residence programs, including Public Art Project of Taipei New Horizon (2014) and the Asian Cultural Council Taiwan Fellowship Program (2012). He was selected for “Made in Taiwan-Young Artist Discovery” in Art Taipei (2011) and Outstanding Art Work Prize of Fine Arts Department, TNUA (2011). Hsi’s works has been exhibited in Beijing Art Museum, Shanghai Art Museum, Haslla Art World in South Korea and Headlands Center for the Arts, San Francisco, theU.S.A. He also had been sponsored and invited to art projects by Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corp, Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Ferrari and Mercedes-Benz. The artist currently lives and works in Taipei.


2007國立臺北藝術大學 造形研究所 藝術碩士
2004 實踐大學 空間設計學系 學士

2012  亞洲文化協會 台灣獎助計畫 受獎人
2011  台北國際藝術博覽會 獲選MIT新人推薦區
2010  Louis Vuitton藝文空間徵件計劃 入選
2008  台灣新貌獎 立體創作系列 入選
2008  台灣國際木雕競賽 入選
2008  高雄獎 入選
2007  國立臺北藝術大學2007美術創作卓越獎

2015 「海王星想像之徑」,台東美術館,台東
2015 「大競技場」,索卡藝術中心,北京
2014 「記憶之宮」,台北當代藝術館,台北
2013 「切比雪夫的腳」,新思維人文空間,高雄
2012 「在我們馬車上製作一座星盤」,尊彩藝術中心,台北
2012 「水星」,智邦藝術基金會,新竹
2011 「馬之戲劇」台灣區Hermès店鋪,台北,台中,台南,高雄
2010 「混血」,鳳甲美術館,台北

2015 「視界之窗」,索卡藝術中心,台北
2015 「木質的視野」,總爺藝文中心,台南
2015 ART BASEL HK」,香港國際會議展覽中心,香港
2014 「鹿和月亮」,清大藝術中心,新竹,台灣
2014 ART BASEL HK」,香港國際會議展覽中心,香港
2013 「台北數位藝術節 超神經」,松菸文創園區,台北
2013 FORMOSA雕塑雙年展」,駁二藝術特區,高雄
2013 「交互視象 - 海峽兩岸當代藝術展」,中國美術館,北京
2013 ART BASEL HK」,香港國際會議展覽中心,香港
2013 「日昨之島」,關渡美術館,台北
2013 「交互視象 - 海峽兩岸當代藝術展」,國立台灣美術館,台中
2013 「從零開始 - ∞ 無限大的小」,形而上畫廊,台北
2012 Miami Scope」邁阿密,美國
2012 Headlands Open House」,Headlands Center for the Art,舊金山,美國
2012 「心動EMU」,台北當代藝術館,台北
2012 「凝聚-當代雕塑家聯展」,現代畫廊,台中
2011 「寶兔找太陽-2011台北燈節公共藝術展」,寶藏巖國際藝術村,台北
2011 「擦逝了,的故鄉」,新樂園藝術空間,台北
2010 「建築實驗雙年展 2010開天窗-不在場的建築」,實踐大學 圖書館,台北
2010 「雕塑集展」,國立臺北藝術大學,台北
2010 「美的再濫用」,視盟藝文空間,台北
2010 「性感帶」,也趣藝廊,台北
2010 「台灣@藝術新世代」,今日美術館,北京,中國
2010 「南北串連展」,非常廟藝文空間,台北
2009 「台灣@藝術新世代」,上海美術館,上海,中國
2009 「粉樂町」,台北東區,台北
2009 現在 En Ce Moment」,新樂園藝術空間,台北
2008 「臺灣美術新貌展-立體創作系列」,台中港區藝術中心,台中
2008 The 13th Wang-san International Art Festival」,Haslla Art World,韓國
2008 「台灣國際木雕競賽得獎作品展」,三義木雕博物館,苗栗
2008 「永恆的成人遊戲工場」,關渡美術館,台北
2008 「高雄獎」,高雄市立美術館,高雄
2007 「現實取Young」,關渡美術館,台北

香港商愛馬仕台灣分公司 ( Hermès )
路易威登 (Louis Vuitton Malletier )
中國蘇州洲際酒店 ( InterContinental hotel )

2013 「野性的寓言」台北文創大樓,台北
2011 Watership3」台灣創意設計中心,台北
2011 「菱光小屋」臨時性設置,寶藏巖國際藝術村,台北
2010 「流Fun」臨時性設置,碧潭風景區,新北市
2010 「船水」臨時性設置,基隆市文化中心,基隆

1977 born in, Taipei, Taiwan, currently lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan.

2007 M.F.A, Graduate School of Plastic Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan
2004 B.F.A, Department of Space Design, Shih Chien University, Taiwan

2012  Asian Cultural Council Taiwan Fellowship Program
2011  Made in Taiwan-Young Artist Discovery, Art Taipei 2011
2010  Louis Vuitton Open Call for Emerging Artists Selected Prize
2008  New Perspective 3D Art in Taiwan 2008 Selected Prize
2008  International Wood Sculpture Competition of Taiwan 2008 Selected Prize
2008  Kaohsiung Awards 2008 Selected Prize
2007  Outstanding Art Work Prize of Fine Arts Department, Taipei National University of the Arts

Selected Solo Exhibitions
2015  Neptune—The Path to Imagination, Taitung Art Musuem, Taitung
2015  Circus Maximus, Soka Art Center, Beijing
2014  The Memory Palace, MoCA Taipei, Taipei
2013  Movement of Idea, Sincewell Gallery, Kaohsiung
2012  A Horoscope Built Out of Our Chariots, Liang Gallery, Taipei
2012  Mercury, Arttime Art Foundation, Hsinchu
2011  Drama of Horse, Hermès store(Taiwan), Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung
2011  The Attack of Resources, Tung Ho Steel enterprise corporation, Miaoli
2010  Blood Crossed, Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei

Selected Group Exhibitions
2015  A window to world - Asia's New Trend, Soka Art Center, Taipei
2015  Tainan International Wood Art Exhibition, Ncku Art Center, Tainan
2015  Art Basel HK, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
2014  Deer and The moon, National Tsing Hua University Arts Center, Hsinchu
2014  Art Basel HK, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
2013  Digital Art Festival Taipei 2013, Songshan Cultural Park, Taipei
2013  Formosa Sculpture Biennial 2013, The Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung
2013  Inter-vision A Contemporary Art Exhibition Across the Strait 2013, The National Art Museum of China , Beijing
2013  Art Basel HK, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
2013  The islands of the day before, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei
2013  Inter-vision A Contemporary Art Exhibition Across the Strait 2013,Nation Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
2013  Start form Zero – small with infinitely large, Metaphysical Art Gallery, Taipei
2012  Miami Scope, Miami, USA
2012  Headlands Open House, San Francisco, USA
2012  CRUSH on EMU, MOCA Taipei, Taipei
2012  Spot Light, Modern Art Gallery, Taichung
2011  Rabbit Year Taipei Lantern Festival, Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei
2011  We scratched from the hometown, S.L.Y Art SpaceTaipei
2010  Non-places Architecture of Pheromonal Presence, Shih Chien University , Taipei
2010  The Re-abuse of Beauty: Halfway House, AVAT art space, Taipei
2010  It Must be Your Sexy Way, AKI Gallery, Taipei
2010  Super Generation@Taiwan, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
2010  SLY VT&S.P.P. Exchange Exhibition, VT Art Salon, Taipei
2009  Super Generation@Taiwan, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2009  GEISAI TAIWAN, Huashan Art District, Taipei
2009  Very Fun Park 2009, Taipei East District, Taipei
2009  En Ce Moment, S.L.Y Art Space, Taipei
2008  The 13th Wang-san International Art Festival, Haslla Art World, Korea
2008  International Wood Sculpture Competition of Taiwan 2008, Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum, Miaoli
2008  Eternal adventureland, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei
2008  Kaohsiung awards 2008, Kaohsiung Fine Arts Museum, Kaohsiung
2007  Outstanding Art Work Prize of T.N.N.A, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei