Thursday, September 06, 2012

Memories, and the Scale of People

記憶,以及人的尺度 ——席時斌個展「在我們的馬車上製作一座星盤」


Memories, and the Scale of People
Hsi Shih-Pin’s Solo Exhibition - “A Horoscope Built Out of Our Chariots”
By: Chang Ching-wen 

1. 結構/解剖/人的尺度

《馬#3阿多羅西與達芬奇》(2012)是一幅從大學時代就開始發展的繪畫作品。這幅以馬為主要描繪對象的紙本創作,類比了真實馬匹的尺幅。歷經數年不斷修補的畫面,紙張都快被來回的操作痕跡給磨得破了。數度往復琢磨的畫面,不斷地增補、遮蓋,最終展現了一匹背向觀眾的馬,牠以骨骼與肌肉的結構示人,背後還有一隻垂掛的天鵝。這件作品的命名即來自阿多羅西(Aldo Rossi)以及達芬奇(Da Vinci),他們是席時斌欣賞的建築師與藝術家、科學家。其實,他對於藝術最基本的興趣,還是從科學開始的。這個小時候只想當科學家的創作者,走的是一條從數學到建築再到藝術的道路,這些經驗扣合著席時斌對於自我的認識和追求。站在《馬#3阿多羅西與達芬奇》前,假使我們還有一點對於壯美的驚懼,我想是藝術家有意識地迫使我們回到一個觀看世界的原點,那便是做為一個人的尺度。

1. Structure/Anatomy/Scale of People
        The artworks of Hsi Shih-Pin have always carried a sense of mystery.  Composed of numerous parts, a large installation features a structure consisting of wide-scale images.  These images come from memory as well as imagination; through a mirage built of a strong rationality, it is also a system established upon a sense of self-reliance.  This type of creative basis stems from construction-related training he undertook during his college years.  Compared to the external establishment of a space that sufficiently obscures the mind and body, he is still more fascinated with a structure that supports the development of feelings and knowledge.  This abstract system has become key to Hsi’s works, not only in responses to the methods of operation, but also in demonstrations of a most powerful force in his works.  
         Aldo Rossi & Da Vinci (2012) is a painting that he started working on during his college years.  With a horse as the main object depicted, this paper work matches the scale and proportions of a real horse.  After numerous years of continuous repair, the paper is nearly beginning to show signs of wear and tear.  A continuous process of pondering, supplementing, and covering forms the image of a horse whose backside faces viewers and reveals a structure of bone and muscle.  Additionally, a swan hangs in the background.  The name of this work comes from Aldo Rossi and Da Vinci - architects, artists, and scientists that Hsi greatly admired.  In fact, his most basic interest in art had originated from science.  As a child, the artist had dreamed of becoming a scientist.  He journeyed a path that began from mathematics and architecture before finally arriving at art.  These experiences eventually became inexorably bound with Hsi’s sense of self-recognition and his pursuits.  Standing before Aldo Rossi & Da Vinci, we cannot help but feel a bit frightened at its magnificence.  I believe that the artist consciously forces us to return to an origin for observing the world, which acts as a scale for people. 

席時斌, 《馬#3:阿多羅西與達芬奇》, 2012, 鉛筆、紙、粉彩, 237x110cm


      The spirit of the Renaissance in the fifteenth century is an important clue for understanding Hsi’s works.  During that era, a love of freedom and a belief in seeing with one’s own eyes were prevalent.  Through observation and thought, interest in the world had been re-ignited.  The people of that time not only gathered knowledge through observation and conjecture, but also implemented physical actions.  The greatest significance of Hsi’s architectural training in his artworks today lies in establishing a type of enthusiasm for a classical style.  Although his training in architecture had tended to rely on computer graphics, he doggedly undertook a self-study in classical perspectives.  He referenced ancient architectural history from the Renaissance and pursued its traditions through hand-drawn methods.  Much like the monks from that era, he converted the sense and sensibility of humankind into lines to prop up a trustworthy structure.  This structure can be a building, any physical object, even the entire world.   

席時斌, 《聖杯手繪》, 2012,鉛筆、色鉛筆、紙, 85x177cm



      In this solo exhibition, a few planar paintings exhibit Hsi’s creative system in this regard.  From Sketch: The Holy Grail (2012) to Aldo Rossi & Da Vinci, he opens a world for us that can be rationally measured.  Horse 2: Sagittarius (2012) and Horse # 5: Queen (2012) even more clearly express a fascination with anatomical techniques, as well as a deeper faith in structure.  Works such as Let Love Grow (2010), Sketch: The Lion (2012), and Sketch: The Window (2012) are painted across a colored acrylic sheet.   Through an obstruction of color, brush strokes are hidden in the paintings.  Behind the capturing of all types of forms, this covering up is a gesture that declares a return to creation.  
     This is an approach to understanding the world which allows people to sense a practical pursuit.  While discussing his works, Hsi once stated that, “I am very interested in anatomy.  However, I do not know whether it is the system or technique that I admire.  If I am actually interested in the system, then what?  Perhaps this is a method for manufacturing illusions.  It is similar to seeing an illusion and wanting to tell someone what it feels like.” [1]

席時斌,《愛滋長》, 2010, 鉛筆、紙、銀色膠帶、紫色壓克力, 59x85cm

2. 記憶之宮

2. Memory Palace
     The two large-scale installations, Scale Model: Ashvins (2012) and Scale Model: Olympus from the Hometown (2012), are composed of many parts.  These complex composites convey that, whether it be the form of a building or the skeleton of an animal, they can be regarded as the conceptual cores presented by Hsi’ works.  A surreal carriage within a daily life setting and Gothic architecture floating in mid-air are made of metal and wood, respectively.  The sensation of volume implied by their precise stacking produces a gray area between reality and fantasy.  This type of composition can also be seen in Hsi’s sculpture works.  For example, Actaeon-The Moonlight Deer (2012) and Uhugu II - The Little Phoenix (2012) both utilize a metal frame to construct images that interweave animal mythologies with real species. 

席時斌,《烏忽古 II—小鳳凰 》, 2012, 不銹鋼、鈦金鍍膜, 86x63x28cm

幻覺並不全然是造假。人類自古希臘時代開始,便知道如何利用關於具體事物來抵抗遺忘。在印刷術尚未普及之前,心像記憶法是西方文明賴以維繫的重要技術,這種記憶的技術利用建築為記憶的場所,將意識鍛鍊為牢固永恆的存在。席時斌提到史景遷(Jonathan D. Spence)的《利瑪竇的記憶之宮》,以及葉茲(Frances Yates)的《記憶之術》對於創作上的啟發。所謂的記憶之術,就是在心中建造一個記憶宮殿的形象,做為儲存記憶的位置。建築物的形象要盡可能地華麗、明顯,裝飾清楚,各個依存在裡面的人物、事件細節一旦描寫得愈清晰,對記憶就愈有效。這項「利用把『場所』和『影像』印入腦海的方法來達成記憶」的技術,一如葉茲所說,在記憶中操作處理影像,必然多少要牽涉到心靈整體。而席時斌透過作品來探討內在識想和外在結構之間的關係,也可以將此視為一套重新將自身存在具體化的方法,將個人的家庭和身體經驗透過系統轉化,保存、顯現為造形的語言。

他在大學時代的作品《自動劇場》是一件大型的動態雕塑,可以視為此後這一系列空間裝置的先聲。這件作品受到建築師丹尼爾.利貝斯金德(Daniel Libeskind)提出的「閱讀機器」、「記憶機器」及「寫作機器」所啟發,而作品主要是以立體化的手法來呈現文藝復興製圖中看似合理但不確實存在的空間透視。與此相關的意象,還有文藝復興時期的記憶劇場,它是一座裝飾生動、無奇不有,以至於演員一登台就可以在整個空間的樣態之中自然地念出戲劇的舞台。《自動劇場》雖然因為結構的脆弱很快地失去了動態,但是複雜堆疊的形式手法,以及記憶的系統與建築之間的關係,卻在席時斌日後的創作裡一再成為焦點。

      Illusions aren’t necessarily always false.  Since the times of ancient Greece, humankind has understood how to use figurative objects to resist forgetting.  Before printing had become universally available, a method for memorizing images had become important techniques for the maintenance of Western civilization.  This type of memory technique utilized buildings as sites for memory where one’s consciousness was trained into a solid and eternal form of existence.  Hsi mentions the inspiration he drew from Jonathan D. Spence’s The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci and Frances Yates’ The Art of Memory for his art.  The so-called Art of Memory is the image of a memory palace he constructs within his mind to store memories.  The image of the building is as gorgeously, obviously, and clearly decorated as possible.  The more detailed and clearly described the stored characters and events are, the more effective the memory becomes.  This “method of imprinting ‘site’ and ‘image’ into memory” reflects Yate’s notion that the memory’s processing of images inevitably involves them with the soul.  And, through his works, Hsi explores the relationship between internal thoughts and external structures.  This can also be viewed as a way of re-embodying one’s own existence so that their familial and physical experiences are able to be saved and materialized into a language of forms through a systematic conversion.  
       Created during his college years, his work, Automatic Theater, is a large-scale, dynamic sculpture that can be regarded as a precursor for this series of installations.  This particular work was inspired by Reading Machine, Memory Machine, and Writing Machine, which were proposed by the architect, Daniel Libeskind.  It mainly utilizes three-dimensional methods to render seemingly reasonable, yet actually non-existing spatial perspectives within Renaissance-era cartography.  Related imagery also include Renaissance-era memory sites that are decorated so vividly and filled with wonders that an actor can perform naturally within the patterns of the entire space as soon as they got on stage.  Even though Automatic Theater quickly lost its dynamism due to structural weaknesses, the method of complex stacking it utilized as well as the relationship between the memory system and architecture became points of focus in Hsi’s later creations.

3. 記憶/動物與身體




3. Memory/Animal and Body
        Geometry and memory are almost keywords to Hsi’s works.  Many considerations regarding form are based on geometry as well as memory.  The association between flowers and animals, as well as everything he observed as a child at his grandma’s house in Ping Shi are made concrete within the details of his works.  Perhaps, the complicated and gorgeous works, Scale Model: Ashvins and Scale Model: Olympus from the Hometown, are actually manifestations of Hsi’s memory palace.  “If I have selected a principle to my forms, it would be stories drawn from my experiences.  For me, this gives me more drive and incentive especially since I have to spend so much energy.  And, even when the work is completed, I would still continue to have many more imaginations regarding this object.  During the process of creation, I can continue to figure out what happened, even remembering that such a thing happened.”
        Family life is the inherent basis for Hsi’s creative emotions.  On the surface, there are many preferences that seem to have no reasons, and that are summarized by him into a projection of specific experiences.  “I think the reason why a person likes a particular context is related to how they are composed.  For example, I like to see broken and scattered pieces of things.  I am certain that this is related to seeing my mother tailoring and weaving clothes.  A lot of people comment that I like to use sharp forms in my works which make them feel a sense of danger.  Actually, for me, this was related to the large and small pairs of scissors that my mother used in her tailoring.  I did not feel that they were dangerous.  There are always a lot of edges and corners in my works.  I think that they look nice this way.”  This type of visual habit has already been internalized into a specific aesthetic preference.  Hsi’s works often use animal flesh, bones, or other biological forms for their themes, implying a corresponding relationship with physical contexts.  Physical bodies are not just sacks of flesh that have feelings.  They also include consciousness, bloodlines, and other biological and cultural significances.  This is the “soul” that Yates mentioned.  
In recent years, Hsi’s works have extended from horses to other animal themes commonly found in myths, such as phoenixes, dragons, and unicorns.  These animals do not exist in reality, yet they are often revered in daily life and religion.  Rare symbols emerge from fictional texts to be re-composed by Hsi.  “Yes, the horse is indeed very important.  However, it can also be projected into something else.   In fact, as long as it is still able to repose in that system, then it is fine.  As a result, I am unable to discuss too much about the horse - except that it is very sexy.  To tell you the truth, it can be replaced.”   
    Plato’s Phaedo records Socrates’ discussions regarding rhetoric.  Socrates mentioned that figures of ancient Egyptian gods were the precursor to the invention of words.  However, King Al-Mu’tasim did not recognize the significance of this invention.  The king said, “Your invention will make people who learn words to become forgetful because they will no longer strive to remember.  They will place their faith in books and texts, and rely on external symbols for recognition instead of their minds to remember.  So, this medicine that you invented can only aid recognition, not memory.” [2] Resisting memory loss has always been a basic task in the process of constructing human civilization.   Additionally, it is also a basic human function for developing perception, consciousness, and a sense of responsibility.  Perhaps, this is fear over a loss of memory and roots.  People memorizing with effort use a credible and reliable method for retaining them.  The various works by Hsi utilize a language of form to construct a memory palace that belongs uniquely to him.  In addition to recognizing a sense of self and a dependence on a contextual system, it also points to the spirit of the Renaissance - regarding scientific creations and wonderful possibilities.  

[1] 筆者與席時斌的訪談。2012年6月26日於席時斌工作室,台北。以下引言皆出於此。
[2] 柏拉圖(Plato),《柏拉圖文藝對話錄》,朱光潛 譯。台北:網路與書股份有限公司,2005,頁231。

[1] From an interview between the author and Hsi Shih-Pin conducted on June 26, 2012 in Hsi Shih-Pin’s studio in Taipei.  
[2] Plato, The Collected Dialogues of Plato, Translated by Zhu Guangqian. Taipei: Net and Books Co., Ltd., 2005, Page 231.

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